Senin, 11 April 2011

Tubercolosis and govermant stategy

At present, prevention of Tuberculosis (TB) in Indonesia has experienced significant progress, marked the achievement of the target leading indicator (the discovery and treatment success) and the decrease Indonesia's ranking from rank 3 to rank 5 countries with the highest number of TB sufferers in the world ", said Minister dr. Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, MPH, Dr.PH when opening the National Congress of Tuberculosis (Konas-TB), both in Jakarta.

She believed that, at the end of 2010, Indonesia has reached 77.3% from 70% case detection target and has reached 89.7% treatment success target of 85% of the target while the death rate from tuberculosis has been successfully lowered more than 50% of 92/100.000 in 1990 to 27/100.000 in 2010. This success must be maintained even have to be increased to reduce the prevalence, incidence, and mortality from TB.

"Progress was also achieved in reducing mortality and morbidity. If in 2009 found 528,063 new TB cases with 91,369 deaths, that number can be reduced to 430,000 new cases of TB with the death of 61,000 people ", said Minister of Health.

She believed that progress was achieved because the new approach in controlling TB through Directly Observed Treatment Strategy Shortcourse (DOTS) has been implemented in Indonesia since 2000. Followed by outreach activities, identification of cases, more intensive treatment and TB control infrastructure has also been improved through a systematic program development.

Although progress has been achieved, many problems still faced such a stagnant rate of cases, barriers to gain access to diagnostics, and reporting are not adequate. Another important obstacle is the system of care that is still weak, lack of trained personnel, inadequate surveillance of TB cases in hospitals and private practice and ineffective management of TB drugs. Many doctors still do not understand the DOTS strategy, and community empowerment has been limited.

This Congress is a series of commemoration activities of World TB Day 2011. World TB Day commemoration in 2011 took the theme "Breakthrough Against Tuberculosis TB-Free to Indonesia." Konas aim to TB-2 is to strengthen policies in improving the performance of TB control is associated with acceleration of poverty control, so as to accelerate the reduction of morbidity and mortality of TB in line with the objectives of the MDGs.

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